
Study on site selection and optimization of sediment-blocking sluice at the estuary section of the Main Irrigation Canal

  • 摘要: 入海河口挡潮闸是维持其上游河段灌溉和航运功能的重要水利枢纽,然而我国建闸河口普遍存在海相沉积物输入造成的淤积问题。以苏北灌溉总渠末级枢纽六剁南闸为例,针对在枢纽下游建造挡沙闸这一减淤措施,通过二维水沙数学模型研究闸址变化及闸门调度对引河段冲淤过程的影响。研究结果表明,现状六剁南闸下游河段存在一冲淤分界点,分界点位置逐渐向下游移动,其上游河段存在严重淤积(淤积厚度达3.12 m),而下游河段呈略微冲刷(最大冲深0.06 m);枢纽下游挡沙闸的修建和合理调度降低了河口泥沙向上游的净输运,有效缓解了引河段的淤积问题;挡沙闸下游普遍存在冲刷趋势(冲深0~0.05 m),而其上游存在一定的淤积(淤高0~0.5 m);随着挡沙闸位置向下游移动,其下游河段冲刷增强,上游河段的淤积减弱。


    Abstract: The tidal barrier at the estuary is a critical hydraulic structure for maintaining irrigation and navigation functions in upstream river sections. However, sedimentation issues caused by marine sediment input are common in estuaries where barriers are constructed in China. Taking the Liuduo South Sluice, the final hub of the Northern Jiangsu Main Irrigation Canal, as an example, this study investigates the effects of changes in the sluice site and gate operation on the scouring and deposition processes in the diversion channel section using a two-dimensional water-sediment numerical model. Results show that a scouring-deposition boundary exists in the downstream section of the current Liuduo South Sluice, with the boundary gradually moving downstream. Severe sedimentation occurs upstream of this boundary (sedimentation thickness up to 3.12 m), while slight scouring is observed downstream (maximum scour depth of 0.06 m). The construction and proper operation of a sediment-blocking sluice downstream of the hub reduce net sediment transport toward the upstream, effectively mitigating sedimentation in the diversion channel. A general scouring trend is observed downstream of the sediment-blocking sluice (scour depth 0–0.05 m), while certain sedimentation occurs upstream (sedimentation height 0–0.5 m). As the location of the sediment-blocking sluice moves further downstream, scouring downstream intensifies, and sedimentation upstream weakens.


