Channel characteristics of junctions in upper Yangtze River
摘要: 采用遥感卫星影像资料、实测河道地形图、地理信息系统和AutoCAD软件等相结合的方法,从河道平面形态和河床地貌形态对长江上游宜宾至重庆主城区河段9个主要干支流交汇河口的河道特征进行了分析。主要研究了交汇河段干支流河型特征、干支流交汇角和交汇位置、干流弯曲度、干支流河宽比及面积比、河道断面形态和滩地形态等。结果表明:在交汇河段长江干流主要呈弯曲型河道的特征,而支流入汇段基本为顺直河道;干支流交汇角一般在30°~90°范围内,且大多数支流在长江干流凹岸弯顶上游侧入汇;大部分干流河弯的弯曲度大于1.2,属于典型的弯曲型河道;长江干流河宽和面积远大于支流河宽和面积,干流河宽沿程变化相对平缓,河弯比较规顺;汇合口河段的河床地貌形态复杂,河谷断面形态往往发育为“偏V”字形或不完整的“U”形,存在碍航的江心滩或浅滩。研究成果对港口及航道工程、水利工程、市政工程和生态环境工程等的规划和建设具有重要的指导价值。Abstract: Based on Landsat-7 ETM+ RS Land images data, the measured river topographic map, GIS and AutoCAD software, this research has investigated the channel characteristics of nine junctions in the Yibin-Chongqing reach of the upper Yangtze River from the channel plane configuration and riverbed morphology. These junctions are Min River junction, Manguang River junction, Huangsha River junction, Changning River junction, Yongning River junction, Tuo River junction, Chishui River junction, Qi River junction and Jialing River junction. The following main problems have been systematically studied: river pattern characteristics of the confluence reaches, the intersection angle, location of the main stream and tributaries, curvature of the main stream, river width ratio of the main stream and tributaries, section area ratio of the main stream and tributaries, river channel section morphology and beach morphology, etc. The research results show that the main stream reaches are curved and the tributary stream reaches are straight at the junctions; intersection angles between main stream and the tributaries are 30°~90°; the curvature of the most main stream is over 1.20; the river width and section area of the main stream are greater than those of the tributary streams; and the trend of variation in river width is gentle. The river morphology at the junction reach is very complicated, the valley cross-sections would develop to be almost “V”-shaped or incompletely “U”-shaped, and there are central bars and shoals having impacts upon navigation. The above analysis results are of important guidance for the planning and construction of similar port and waterway engineering, hydraulic engineering, municipal engineering and ecological engineering, etc.